Facial recognition on an archive of ~10,000 photos of New York cops. Learn [[ showAbout ? "less" : "more" ]].

Images are publicly available and sourced from 50-a.org and then processed using Deepface with the yunet model for facial detection and Facenet512 for recognition.

The database contains images for around 30% of all cops in New York. The most common first name for a cop in New York is Michael, followed by Christopher, Joseph, John, Daniel, and Anthony. There are around 1000 cops named Michael in New York City, accounting for 3.72% of all cops.

Pie chart of Michaels vs Not-Michaels

The system shows the top 3 most similar-looking cops to an image that you provide. Because there are so many missing cop images, and because the facial recognition model is prone to errors, the system will frequently fail.

Uploaded images are not stored on the server.


Error reading image or locating face.